Heroes and Villains

This thread is for listing/creating/discussing notable figures during the Veiled Age. These are the kinds of figures that are widely known, taught about in history classes, politically and/or culturally significant, and founders of important organizations/institutions. Here are a few to start. I’ve included a name, culture, and brief biography (all subject to discussion):

Lord Andorov (Tophen) – As an ambitious cadet in the Royal Tophen Military Academy, Andorov lead a group of fellow students on a quest to locate and strike up contracts with powerful devils. Only Andorov returned. Called into service early when the first campaigns of the Tophen Invasion of Yobba ended in disaster, Andorov was given command of his father’s household guard and showed uncanny tactical brilliance. His knack for predicting and countering the moves of his enemies lead to a quick ascent through the Tophen military hierarchy. Named High Warlord in the fourth year of the war, he planned and executed the Andorov Offensive which ended in the fall of Yobba’s capitol and the effective destruction of its conventional forces at the Battle of the Fords of Ishkahan. Shortly after the war, he vanished and was never seen again. A massive iron stature of him stands at the center of Viceroy’s Park in the fallen Yobban capitol.

St. Julia of Terlan (Arven) – Julia abandoned a luxurious life as the only daughter of one of Arvel’s foremost houses to take a vow of poverty and study Holy Magic as a young woman. She developed a keen interest in reversing the chaotic and disorienting effects of the Abyss. Her students were among the first humans to make progress in reversing Abyssal effects, and the Julian Order remains devoted to studying and countering the effects of the Abyss to this day.

Esmeral of Vantith (Arven) – Raised by thieves on the outskirts of Arven society, Esmeral was adept at moving unseen/unnoticed, aided by a completely ordinary appearance and a quick mind. These talents allowed her to advance through the underworld to become an in-demand assassin. There are rumors, never confirmed, that she made a pilgrimage to Tophet and signed a devil’s pact. Whether through skill, sorcery, or some combination of the two, she is the only person to have successfully infiltrated the elaborate defenses of Zenith when she assassinated First Lord Quinton IV Avarat as part of a failed coup against the Arven government

The Thirteenth (Abyssal) – Little is known about the origin of The Thirteenth. Early in the Veiled Age, it gathered a force of nomads, heretics, outcasts, and the dead in the western wilds. Possessing occult powers that the chronicles only describe as “ferocious and ineffable,” it launched a crusade against the lands of humanity. When the forces of the crusade penetrated to the core lands of human civilization, the round table was formed by humanity’s leading powers to organize resistance. It is unknown whether The Thirteenth was killed in battle, achieved its unknown goals and left, or was somehow banished, but its disappearance a year after the war began triggered the swift destruction of the invading forces. Abyssal cultists prophesy that one day The Thirteenth will return to “lift the veil and reverse the great sundering that destroyed the unity of the world.”

Lady Aenor (Elven) – The first emissary from Amloth to the lands of humanity, Aenor came with two objectives: (1) to secure peaceful relations between elves and humans, and (2) to limit incursions/deforestation activities against Elven forests. In exchange for human respect for Elven lands, she offered knowledge of many useful plants. As a result, Aenoran Alchemy emerged as the study of plant-based medicine and Aenoran Cuisine emerged as a plant-based approach to cooking. Chefs trained in Aenoran cooking are rare and in high demand.

General Vizian (Yobban) – After the Fords of Ishkahan, organized Yobban resistance to Tophet abandoned conventional tactics for asymmetric warfare. General Vizian, the only senior officer to survive Ishkahan, was the pivotal figure in this turn. He took the broken conventional forces of Yoba and reorganized them into lightly armed, fast-moving bands that became adept at hit-and-run and other guerilla tactics. Regarded as criminals by Tophet, the Vizianites still strike from the wastes against the occupier and dream of the day they liberate their ancestral homeland. They are equally merciless with Tophen occupiers and anyone they regard as Yobban collaborators.

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Excellent post. I’ll give some stray thoughts on these people. Btw, this site supports markdown syntax, which is how I’m creating headings.

Lord Andorov

I always picture devils showing up at your door with a silver tongue. The idea of going on an expedition to find devils to make contracts is an interesting one. But it could work well with the cultural ideal of Tophans being super ambitious.

I like that you’ve added some detail to the fall of the Yobani capital as an event with someone behind it. The Tophan and Yobani character backstories in the game tie into this event already, though the details aren’t described. An iron statue in the fallen capital is a nice detail.

St. Julia’s Hospital

My mind goes straight to the institution that would result, rather than the character. A big hospital near me is called St. Mary Mercy, another is called Sinai-Grace. Their names are a result of their Catholic and Jewish origins. How much more would religion, saints, and medicine be connected in a fantasy world where divine healing is a provable thing?

So I can imagine the Julian Order founding a St. Julia’s Hospital, perhaps with branch chapel-clinics that try to heal people transmuted by Abyss corruption. The chapel might have a statue or big painting of the saint in some iconic pose, healing the sick.

St. Julia is probably dead, since if the Church of the Daystar is anything like Catholicism, people probably aren’t sainted until after death. I think it’d be fitting if she died tragically in connection to her cause. She tried to heal someone who was too far gone, and they lashed out and killed her. But that made it all the easier to start a movement and get funding.

Esmeral of Vantith

Everybody loves an expert thief, but this character didn’t particular get my gears going so I don’t have anything to add.

The Thirteenth as a creepy cult incident

When I first skimmed this, I thought “no, the abyss should be mysterious”, then when I actually read it, I saw it was intentionally unclear what The Thirteenth is or what it can do. Some eldritch horror worming into the minds of mortals? And what is it the 13th of?

I like the idea that the round table was formed to deal with this, but that sort of presupposes this crusade was big enough in terms of world news to unify the continent. I feel like that might be just a little bit too concrete for the cosmic horror vibe that goes with the Abyss. It might be more fitting to be a cult disaster that befell a remote group of people, and therefore doesn’t have much documentation. Like Jonestown in reality, or like Against the Cult of the Reptile God in fantasy.

“lift the veil and reverse the great sundering that destroyed the unity of the world.”

Nice quote. Gotta love crazy cultists.

Lady Aenor

Regarding objective 1, I don’t know if we’ve ever discussed the background lore of the Gloam Lake shrine, but it had to do with elves creating something that expressed the peaceful co-worship of the goddess Nox and the god of humanity, Genos. So maybe this character is connected. If not to the shrine, to that time in history.

General Vizian

I feel this character fills an important niche in the story. In any violent conquest like this, there are people who flee (refugees), people who stay behind hoping their new rulers will mostly leave them alone, and the violent opposition to the invaders. I figure if you are somewhere outside the conflict like Arvel, you’re likely to run into the first type. What you’ve written about is the third. People who will stop at nothing to win their land back. Which could provide some good ethical quandaries in a story.

Pedantic Notes

Although there’s no grammatical necessity behind these, the nations and their adjectives/ethnicities as established in what’s already been written are as follows. I sort of did this to be deliberately inconsistent as things with different regional origins often are.

Nation (adjective):

  • Arvel (Arvan)
  • Tophet (Tophan)
  • Yoba (Yobani)
  • Amloth (Lothren)
  • Nor (Nor)

“The Tophan soldier was felled by an arrow from a Yobani Cranebow on his way to Arvel.”

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Yeah, I was thinking of most of these figures as dead/legendary in some way or other.

I like the modification on The Thirteenth. Definitely fits the cosmic horror vibe. There probably should be a canonical story about how the roundtable formed, and it will probably have to involve either Abyssal menace or the end of a Great Powers War (that was my thinking in linking the two), but if the current thinking on the Abyss is “basically a non-issue” then linking The Thirteenth to some kind of weird happenings on the periphery is a good call.